Rules and Regulations
At the line up for assembly the learners move orderly into the hall. When they line up absolute silence must prevail, also when the learners enter the hall.
Just as one is proud of oneself, so one should be proud of the neatness and tidiness of your environment. Each learner must take pride in the tidiness of the school grounds, the buildings, the sports field, the garden and the classes. It is not just the duty of the general assistants to clean up the school grounds, but it is the duty of all the learners to help in this regard.
When announcements are made over the intercom, all learners must be quiet and should be paying attention to what is being said. All announcements should be written into the announcement book on the day of the announcement.
- Learners may only be absent from school by reason of illness or funerals. All other absence must be limited and all doctor’s appointments must wherever possible, be schedules for the afternoons.
- Learners, who were absent, must on the first day of his/her return to school, provide a letter from the parents stating the reason for the absence. The letter must be handed in at his/her register class at the start of the school day. A doctor’s letter will suffice.
- Learners that were absent for two or more days must submit a doctor’s certificate explaining the reason for their absence.
- All parents wishing to collect their children from school during school hours must first obtain the necessary permission from the principal.
- Learners that were absent during a test or exam must have a valid excuse for not being at school. Parents must please notify the school if their children are going to be absent during a test or exam.
- Irregular school attendance influences the learner’s progress and such conduct leads only to ignorance and incompetence .
No ball games are allowed under any roof, on any passage or against any wall.
If a learner gets hurt during school hours or becomes ill, it must immediately be reported to the office. Such a learner may only be fetched from the school by a third party with the parents’ permission. Only the first-aid secretary may give permission for an ill injured child to be taken home.
No breakage or malevolent damage of private or school property will be allowed. Any such occurrences must immediately be reported to the office or to the educator on playground duty. The guilty person or parents will be expected to make good the damage by paying the account for the necessary repair work.
No learner would be allowed to eat during lesson hours. The educator may confiscate all food items and discard it in the waste bin.
No learners will have permission to tamper or play with any electrical installation or open any distribution board. Light switches may only be ulitised for the proper purpose.
Before entering the school grounds, learners must get off their bicycles and push the bicycle to wherever they go on the school grounds. In the afternoons the same procedure must be followed until they reach the school’s exits. During school hours all bicycles must be locked in the bicycle shed.
- Inside the classroom each learner must help to create an orderly atmosphere in which learning can be optimized. Learners should work as rapidly as possible to obtain the best results.
- All toys will be confiscated by the educator and returned at end of term.
- Upon entering the classroom, learners will stand next to their desks and wait for the educators to greet and give instruction to take their seats.
- All rubbish must be collected before leaving the desk.
- No writing or scratching is allowed on any of the furniture.
- No learners will be allowed outside the classrooms during lesson hours, except when formal work is to be done outside the classroom
- Learners may not change seats without the educator’s permission.
- The learners must respect visitors to the classroom by standing up if a visitor enters the class, or otherwise instructed by the educator.
- Learners are expected to greet their educators in a formal friendly manner on the school grounds.
- Learners must not display a lax attitude by leaning against walls or palisades.
- Learners must respect each other and by no means will dirty language or dirty games be allowed on the school grounds.
- Our educators must be considered as our instructors and councillors who are always willing and prepared to give us guidance and lead us in our growing up. They are also the persons that watch each child’s progress on every area of the school life. It is expected of the learners to be courteous and amicable towards their educators. It is also expected of learners to be obedient and do their daily assignments and homework to the best of their ability.
- The learners are expected to behave in a well-disciplined manner and all undisciplined behaviour will be penalised with demerits or stricter action.
- Learners must at all times take good care of all the handbooks in their possession.
- All books must have a proper protective cover.
- If a book is lost, the replacement cost of the book can be obtained from the office, so that the learner can replace the book.
- Here the learner is allowed the opportunity to work independently
- Homework is not restricted to written work only.
- Study and memorising are just as important.
- Conscientious learners will never allege that they have no homework.
- Daily revision of the work done in the class is to every learner’s advantage.
- All homework must be written down in the personal diary on the day it is given.
- Learners are advised to read wider than the suggested material. Here the library plays an important role.
- Each day’s homework must be copied down in the homework book for Grades 3 – 7.
- Mark each item of homework off that has been completed.
- Parents must sign the homework book daily.
- The educator can also make use of a learner’s homework book to communicate with the parents.
- It is also important that the learners should not misplace their homework books.
- No excessive jewellery is allowed. No bangles, chains and rings will be allowed. Only a Medic-alert bracelet or necklace may be worn.
- A watch and only a neck chain with a religious appendage (at our discretion) may be worn.
- Only the girls are permitted to wear one ear stud in each ear.
- Only thin gold small sleepers or small gold studs are permitted.
- During class rotation the learners should move as quickly as possible to the next class.
- Boys and girls to lead out in one line, with girls in front and boys at the back.
- During class rotation the minimum of noise is to be caused and no excessive noise will be tolerated .
- Bags must preferably be carried in the left hand during rotation.
- Always keep to the left, especially on staircases where learners can easily get hurt.
- Boys and girls are to be in one line on the staircase.
- Appropriate request in the class to the educator is: “May I go to the bathroom?”
- Bathrooms are to be kept tidy and clean.
- No foodstuffs are to be taken into the bathrooms.
- No playing will be allowed in the bathrooms.
- Only one learner at a time is allowed to leave the class for the bathroom .
- Always flush the toilet after use.
- No chewing gum is allowed on the school premises, including school functions and outside tours.
- No chewing gum may be chewed while a learner is dressed in school uniform even if he/she is at after care or off school property.
- Nails may not be longer than the point of the finger.
- No nail polish is allowed.
- Under no circumstances will permission be given for long nails.
No initiation ceremonies will be tolerated in the school.
No learner may be offended or his/her human dignity be impaired.
- Learners must be on time for school. During hall assembly, all latecomers must report to the office for their names to be taken down.
- On other days all latecomers must first report to the front office before such learners are allowed to join normal classes.
No learners are allowed into the reception foyer, except when sent to the office by an educator with a note (accompanied with an out of class book) or when an inquiry is to be made at the office.
Bad language, cursing, dirty conversations, bad behaviour, copying of homework, awolling from school, bunking, malicious gossiping, lax attitude, chewing gum, stealing, discourteous behaviour and impolite remarks. Should it be proven that a learner is caught stealing, police will be brought in and legal action may be taken.
The school starts at 07:30 and closes at 12:50 for Grade 1 and 2, 13:30 for Grade 3 and 13:50 for Grade 4-7, winter and summer. No learner is at liberty or has the permission to leave the school premises during these hours.
In public the learners will always display the best behaviour as representatives of the school. At all school activities visitors will be welcomed and greeted in a friendly manner. The school uniform is an advertisement for the school and should be worn with the necessary courtesy. Be courteous and amicable towards everybody. Be humble and know your place. Ensure that people only speak highly of our school. Immediately reprimand a fellow learner who can’t behave in public.
No such material will be allowed onto the school grounds. The strictest possible measures will be implemented against any learner who transgresses this rule.
- During break all learners will play on the allocated parts of the playground . No rough games are allowed and the older learners must stay away from the young learners.
- No fighting will be tolerated. Swearing on the school ground or whilst in school uniform or when representing the school is totally forbidden.
- No learner may play near the motor vehicles. No stones may be thrown.
- All rubbish must be placed in the rubbish bins.
No radio or receiving device will be allowed into the classrooms.
No listening to any sports broadcasts is allowed during lessons.
All reply slips must be signed by the parents and returned to school the next school day.
- All items of clothing are to be marked with a marking pen on an appropriate label.
- During break the learners are not allowed to go into classrooms or the hall without permission.
- Each learner is responsible for keeping the classrooms, bathrooms, passages and playgroundtidy and clean.
- The building, furniture and all apparatus should be looked after with the necessary care and respect.
- No smoking is allowed on the school ground.
- Every learner is responsible for his/her property. Lost articles must be handed in at the office.
- Inquire at the office if you have lost any item.
- Learners are at all times responsible for the tidiness and cleanliness of the school and playground .
- If you see a paper lying on the ground, always pick it up.
- Immediately address a litterbug.
- There is always an educator on playground duty.
- The pol icy of cleanliness also applies during all visits to other schools.
- Leaders must always be ready to motivate learners to clean up where they have wasted.
- No learners may enter the hall without permission.
When a learner knows that he/she is going to leave the school for another school, application should be made to the secretary for a transfer card a week in advance. The learner must also hand back all his/her handbooks to the respective educators whom must sign the handbook list.
No toys are allowed into classes. If a learner plays with a toy while in class, the educator, effectively cancelling the learner’s property right to the toy, may confiscate such a toy. The same rule applies to all assemblies in the hall and any other formal gathering.
- All learners are to play on the field. Learners are not allowed behind Aftercare, on the corridors, in classrooms, outside of the fence, on the tennis courts, in the pool area or in the garden outside the administration block.
- The teachers on duty must report any misbehaviour to the appropriate authorities.
No rough or dangerous games where learners may get hurt are allowed at school. The older learners are not allowed to mix with the little ones during break.
No teasing is allowed. The right, dignity and privacy of every learner must be respected. Only the use of recognised nicknames is allowed.
It is each learner’s first priority to participate for the school in any school sports of his/her choice. Thereafter, outside bodies may be represented in the specific club’s colours. It is the aspiration of the school that every learner will participate in one or more types of school sport, as group participation fosters the feeling of belonging, which is important for the school as a whole. At least one extra mural activity per term per learner is compulsory.
Learners must be on time for sport practices. The correct dress code must be adhered to. During sport practices all bicycles must be secured as no responsibility can be taken for theft during sport practices.
Only canvas or leather school bags will be allowed. The minimum measurements must be 40 x 25 cm. Bags with compartments that offer adequate space inside are preferred, so that handbooks and exercise books can be comfortably packed without damage to the said items. The school bag must also be tidy and may not be pasted with stickers.
- Only learners with the right clothing will be allowed onto the tennis courts.
- It is very important that learners wear the right type of tennis shoes, as shoes with hard soles will only damage the surface of the tennis courts.
- The tennis courts may not be used without permission or without the tennis coach.
- Leaving the school grounds during school hours:
- No learner has the authority to leave the school grounds during school hours without obtaining the necessary permission from the office and all learners to be signed out by parent. Letters from the parents asking for permission must be submitted to the Principal or Deputy Principal.
- Access to the school grounds may only be through the gates. No learner may climb over a fence or make a hole in it to get through.
- It also constitutes an offence of trespass ing to enter the school grounds after hours.
No learner may run up or down staircases, including those of the pavilion. Always keep to the left on staircases.
Swearing and dirty (bad) language are bad habits and are not allowed at school. To swear at any learner constitutes defamation of character.
- No learners are allowed into classrooms before school starts, except those who perform duties in the classrooms. A maximum of 3 learners may enter the classroom to perform these duties.
- School bags are to be placed in a neat row in front of the classrooms before school.
- When learners have put their school bags down, they should go to the allocated playground.
- No playing will be allowed on or near the passages.
The school uniform must always be clean and neat. No unauthorised pieces of clothing are allowed with the school uniform , especially during the winter months when only the prescribed school uniform will be tolerated. Fingernails and hair must be clean and well looked after. The school reserves the right to decide when a learner’s hair is too long or the hairstyle is unacceptable. Regular uniform inspections can be carried out at random .
- Each class will carry a file with them known as the ‘Good Co-operation File”. This system is aimed at the furtherance of good discipline and self-discipline for the class as a whole. The class obtains a signature from the educator if they: approach the class in an orderly way; stand in a neat row before entering the class; greet the educator; obey all the school rules while in the class; behave properly during the class; leave the class in an orderly way
- For each period of good co-operation, the educator may grant one Signature. When 50 (fifty) signatures are collected, the class gets 1 (one) free period at the end of the day, on a day of their choice.
- This period must be arranged in co-operation with the register educator one week in advance.
- The educator, whose period will be taken, must agree and sign the form .
- The class leader is responsible for obtaining this signature.
- Finally the principal ‘s signature must be obtained, a week in advance.
- If the file with the signatures gets lost, a new page is started with zero signatures in it.
- A signature previously awarded by an educator may be cancelled if: at the discretion of the educator, the learners behave themselves badly; the educator experiences trouble obtaining order and discipline; the greater majority of the class has not done a homework assignment; the class is very noisy when they are expected to work; the class transgresses a school rule
The possession of stolen goods is a punishable offence.
The possession of alcohol is a punishable offence. Alcohol includes any item that may not be sold to under 18’s in a liquor store.
No learner shall at any time bring a weapon to school or be in possession of a weapon on the school premises. The contravention of this rule constitutes a very serious offence and will be punished in the strictest way possible. This includes BB guns, pellet guns, knives, knuckledusters or any other potentially dangerous objects that could be used as weapons.
The possession of any narcotic substance or drugs on the school offence and will be punished in the strictest way possible.
All disciplinary procedures are as per the merit/ demerit system as well as the detention system. Learners who have demerits will be punished by the school.
All learners will be taken to gate class at 14h15. All parents must collect learners at the gate class. No learner will be allowed to sit at the gate after 14h15 or after an extra-mural. A fee will be paid for the day.