Dear Parents,
My Staff and I bid your child a very warm WELCOME to HOUGHTON SCHOOL.
We all look forward to meeting you and trust you and your child will enjoy a happy and fruitful association with our school.
At HOUGHTON SCHOOL we believe in the total education of the child, i.e. intellectual, physical, cultural, social and spiritual, as well as fostering leadership growth.
1.) Mission Statement
We at HOUGHTON SCHOOL believe that creating the correct atmosphere is important for the social, academic, cultural, spiritual and physical development of each child. This all rounded approach helps integrate our pupils successfully into the community at large.
At HOUGHTON SCHOOL we are committed to:
- Having respect for others by respecting ourselves
- Developing academic potential
- Academic self reliance
- The development of the whole person
- Creative and caring environments
- Sportsmanship and fair play
- Developing leadership skills
- The fostering and development of inherent gifts and abilities
- Tolerance of different cultures, experiences and views
These aims can only be realised with the full support and involvement of everybody at HOUGHTON SCHOOL, including the parents.
The Staff at HOUGHTON SCHOOL are responsible for the efficient and effective running of the School in all its facets – in the classroom, culturally and extra-murally.
We are a child centred body and any decisions taken are always for the benefit of our learners. Parents should know that my office is always open to those who would like to discuss any problems they or their child may have. Interviews can also be arranged with your child’s educator before or after school hours, to discuss your child’s progress or any problems. We at HOUGHTON SCHOOL are always available to discuss any problem concerning your child’s Work/Homework/ Behaviour/Attitude, and will always do everything in our power to assist you.
Our learners are most important and form the focal point of our day-to-day school life.
“Todays pupils are tomorrow’s leaders”
HOUGHTON SCHOOL where every person is considered and treated equally strives to be a community in which:
- Justice prevails : Where every person is considered and treated equally
- Equity: is cherished and each contribution is important and respected
- Integrity: is maintained and honesty in relationships is encouraged
- Full participation: is promoted and opportunities are created for everyday involvement
- Inclusion: is emphasised as each member of HOUGHTON SCHOOL is made to feel that they belong
We want and encourage all our Parents to be involved as much as they are able, to fulfil our triangular relationship of Parents, School and Child.
THE GOVERNING BODY represents the Parent community of our School. Members are elected every three years to give guidance regarding the School’s building, grounds and other related matters. Members are also involved with the very important task of making recommendations in regard to Staffing and Finances.
Parents are reminded that pupils are required to wear school uniform at all times.
Stockists: Squires of Yeoville – 63B Raleigh Street, Yeoville, Tel: 648 9180/1.
McCullagh & Bothwell – Bedford Centre, cnr. Bedford Rd & Louis Botha Avenue, Yeoville
Summer: White short sleeve shirt with school badge on pocket; grey shorts/longs; knee length grey socks with school colour trim; black lace-up school shoes.
Winter: Maroon Blazer with school badge (optional); white long sleeve or short sleeve shirt (as above); grey long pants; school jersey; grey socks OR maroon parachute full track suit (available at the school) to be worn with grey socks and black shoes, not ‘takkies.’
Summer: Maroon and white checked dress; white socks; black school shoes
Winter: Grey gym tunic/grey long pants; white school shirt; school jersey; knee length grey socks with school colour trim or thick grey tights; black shoes OR maroon parachute full track suit (available at the school) to be worn with grey socks/stockings and black shoes, not ‘takkies.’
Dry-macs with the school badge are optional and are available from the school office. (The School blazer is optional for both girls and boys)
All Learners Require
PHYSICAL EDUCATION: | White Houghton golf shirt (available at school); White shorts; White takkies; White socks No other clothing is acceptable!
| |
SWIMMING: | Every child must have a waterproof swimming bag, (clearly marked with the child’s name) to hold a costume and towel. (A maroon kit bag is available from the school office) Swimming is a compulsory activity and no child will be excused unless a note is brought from the parent, or a medical certificate is produced. | |
BOYS: | Black costume; swimming cap (compulsory) – available from school | |
GIRLS: | Plain black costume; swimming cap (compulsory) available from school. | |
HAIR: | No highlights in the hair! | |
GIRLS: | Long hair must be tied back away from the face. The fringe must be short and not in the eyes. Hair accessories must be maroon, white or black. No gold or silver accessories must be worn in the hair. | |
BOYS: | Hair should be neat at all times and must not touch the collar of the shirt. | |
ACCESSORIES: | ONLY girls are allowed to wear earrings, provided they are studs or sleepers. No rings, nose rings, bangles or ankle chains are allowed. Religious chains are allowed, provided they are not visible. The following is available for purchase at our office: Knitted maroon scarves, gloves and beanies; Houghton School peak caps; tog bags and school bags. |
Mrs Ramukhithi (who works in the Office) endeavours to assist with the provision of used School clothing at most reasonable prices. If you have items of School clothing that are too small, but still in good condition, use the SWOP SHOP each weekday, between 8.00 and l3.30.
7.) Tuck Shop
Our TUCK SHOP makes fresh wholesome rolls and toasted sandwiches daily, which are available during first break. Sweets, cold drinks, crisps etc. are available during second break and after school.
8.) School Fees
School fees are subject to annual revision. Houghton is a fee paying school, all parents to pay school fees. It is your legal duty to pay fees once you enrol your child.
9.) After Care
HOUGHTON SCHOOL has an excellent AFTER CARE facility at the school to assist working parents, offering educator controlled homework and play supervision. For further information regarding fees, times, etc. please contact the Office.
10.) School Hours
Monday - Thursday and the last Friday of every month
- Grade R - 7h30 - 13h00
- Grade 1 and Grade 2 - 7h30 - 13h30
- Grade 3 - 7h30 - 13h45
- Grade 4-7 - 7h30 - 14h00
- Grade R - 7h30 - 12h30
- Grade 1 and Grade 2 - 7h30 - 13h00
- Grade 3 - 7h30 - 13h15
- Grade 4-7 - 7h30 - 13h30
11.) School Houses
We have four houses at our School, and families are kept together.
They are as follows:
KUDU – Yellow SABLE – Green
12.) Communication With Parents
There is a big general newsletter once per term. Notices and announcements are sent via whatsapp group as needed.
13.) Lost Property
All lost property found, is put into a bin and controlled by a staff member. Parents are requested to ensure that ALL property is CLEARLY AND FULLY MARKED with the child’s name. It is essentially the child’s responsibility to look after his/her own property. If items are not claimed all lost property will be placed into the swop shop at the end of the term.
14.) Medication
NO medication from home will be given to any child, unless we receive written authority from either the Parent or a Doctor. A form will be sent to Parents regarding allergies, medication etc. Please complete this and return it to the School for our records.
15.) Code Of Conduct
We have implemented a Code of Conduct, which has been approved by the Gauteng Department of Education. This is available for perusal at our school office.
16.) School Curriculum
Language based on CAPS; Music; Developmental Play; Introduction to Letterland; Number-concept; Perceptual Development and Spatial Co-ordination and Robotics.
Grade 1 to Grade 3 – Literacy, Numeracy, Life Skills, Handwriting, Physical Education/Swimming, Music, Technology, Afrikaans and Zulu.
Grades 4 – 7 – CAPS – English, Afrikaans, Mathematics, Economics (EMS) History and Geography (Social Sciences) Natural Sciences (NS) Design and Technology, Art and Culture (AC) Physical Education/Swimming, Drama, Life Orientation, Life Skills.
17.) Homework
A HOMEWORK timetable is given to each class at the beginning of the year
Grade 1 – Reading and Phonics (from 2nd term onwards)
Grade 2 – Reading, Phonics, Sentences, Numeracy, Handwriting
Grade 3 – Reading, Phonics, Sentences and Numeracy
Grade 4 – 30 minutes per day
Grade 5 – 30 minutes per day
Grade 6 – 45 minutes per day
Grade 7 – 60 minutes per day
While parents are encouraged to guide and assist their children where necessary, please remember the purpose of Homework is to teach children to think and act for themselves. This is negated when parents “HELP” their children by doing the homework for them.
Extra Mural Activities
Every child is encouraged to participate in EXTRA MURAL ACTIVITIES, as this is a part of a child’s education and growth to adulthood, as well as improving his sociability skills.
Football; Netball; Tennis; Cricket; Chess; Swimming; Athletics; Orchestra; Balls skills; Remedial
offered at the school on a private basis (parents are liable for payment of tuition) Karate; Ballet; Tennis coaching; Exercise and Dance classes; Music Lessons; Art Lessons; English and Maths enrichment.
which are also offered on a private basis and for which there is often a need – Psychological Assessment; Language Enrichment
18.) Tests and Examinations
a) To assess how the pupil is progressing, not only within a subject, but also emotionally and intellectually as well.
b) To assess how successfully an educator has taught and to identify any weaknesses on his/her part.
c) To establish which children need extra help and what kind of help is required.
d) To get to know the children, where their strengths and weaknesses lie, and how to extend and enrich them.
Continuous assessment – Fine motor control; Gross motor control; Perception; Spatial; Language
There are formal assessments in the Foundation Phase. Evaluation is done on a continuous, daily basis. Children are assessed according to the following criteria:
Excellent; Has mastered, can apply skills; Has mastered basic skills; Needs assistance in many areas.
The learning areas assessed are:
One full examination is set in June and in November for Grades 4 – 7. All other classes in the Intermediate/Intersen Phase write Tests throughout the year. Children are continuously assessed in all learning areas. Evaluation is done continuously and a report is handed out at the end of each term.
19.) Extra Mural Activities
Every child is encouraged to participate in EXTRA MURAL ACTIVITIES, as this is a part of a child’s education and growth to adulthood, as well as improving his sociability skills.
- SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Football; Netball; Tennis; Cricket; Chess; Swimming; Athletics; Music; Balls skills; Remedial
- OTHER ACTIVITIES offered at the school on a private basis (parents are liable for payment of tuition) Ballet; Tennis coaching; Cricket coaching.
We at HOUGHTON SCHOOL, feel we have much to offer your child! We hope that he/she will take full advantage of all we have to offer and consequently grow from strength to strength, fully equipped to face the future. Your child’s determination to make a positive contribution to school life will ensure a relationship of mutual benefit and lasting value.
Our school motto is “WE LEARN. WE GROW”
P Morris – Principal